Scroll to the bottom of this page to view the calendar and see if your date/time is available!
The HUB is dedicated to enriching Wyandot County by partnering with community partners to offer activities for adults such as Bible Studies, cooking/baking classes, arts/crafts, and other interests at The HUB. If you would like to share your hobby or expertise with the community, request space here.
Wyandot Community Connections will also create and strengthen connections in Wyandot County by encouraging families or local community groups to hold events such as meetings, birthday parties, and private and social gatherings.
You can request space for your next great occasion at The HUB here. All building use request MUST complete the online form.
No alcohol permitted.
The cost to use the facility is $50 per hour (maximum of 5 hours including set up and tear down time) PLUS a refundable deposit of $100.
Planning An Event?
Hosting A Class?
The calendar below may help with the availability of The HUB. This calendar does not guarantee availability as there are often other classes/events happening. You will still need to request your date online and you will receive an email that your date is/is not available.